
Vincent Pantaloni



Corporate and managerial taxation
Wealth management
Management packages
Managing relations with tax authorities
Tax litigation
Real estate structuring for residential or business premises
International mobility
Tax law


• LL.M. International Business Law – Paris II Panthéon-Assas University (Singapore)
• Master II Tax Law – Paris XII Créteil University
• Master I Business Law – Paris II Panthéon-Assas University
• Member of the Paris Bar

Languages: French | English

Whether you’re a company or an individual, Vincent can advise and assist you with your French and international tax issues.

He also assists you during tax audits and represents you in tax disputes. As a result of his litigation practice, he has also developed a particular expertise in criminal tax law.

Vincent is a member of the Institut des Avocats Conseils Fiscaux (IACF) and the Institut du Droit Pénal Fiscal et Financier (IDPF2).