
Legal information


The website (the “Site”) is published by d’Alverny Avocats, an association of lawyers with individual professional liability (AARPI) registered with the Paris Bar under number 788 505 188, located at the following address : 166, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré – 75008 Paris.

The Site’s publication director is Mr. Hubert d’Alverny, Managing Partner, whose contact details are as follows:

Phone: +33 (0)1 40 98 03 33 | Email:


The Site is hosted by Gandi SAS, a French société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint-stock company) with capital of 630,000 euros, whose registered office is at 63-65 boulevard Masséna, 75013 Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 423 093 459.

Phone : +33 (0) 1 70 37 76 61

General terms and conditions

Agreement to the general terms and conditions

By using the Site, each visitor (the “User”) fully accepts the general terms and conditions of the Site, including the Legal Mentions, the Privacy Policy and the following general terms and conditions. In the event of modification or update, the revised General Terms and Conditions will be posted on the Site with the last update date. The User must therefore check the Site regularly to remain informed of any changes or updates to the Site’s general terms and conditions.

Intellectual Property

All elements of the Site, and in particular the architecture, texts, articles and photographs, are protected by intellectual property law and are the full and complete property of d’Alverny Avocats.

Consequently, unless expressly authorized by d’Alverny Avocats, any reproduction or use of the Site or its elements for purposes other than individual and private consultation is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Any short quotation must include the title of the document or page of the Site cited, the name of its author and, where applicable, the date and publication number of the document cited.


D’Alverny Avocats regularly ensures that the Site does not contain any hypertext links providing direct or indirect access to sites or pages of sites whose content is contrary to the essential principles of the legal profession, and undertakes to take all necessary steps to remove such links without delay should they prove to be contrary to these essential principles. However, D’Alverny Avocats cannot be held liable beyond this ethical obligation.

Data protection

No personal information may be collected without the prior consent of Users.

For further information, each User may consult the Privacy Policy accessible on the Site.

Informations concerning cookies

D’Alverny Avocats does not use cookies to personally identify Users, nor does it use cookies for statistical or analytical purposes.

The Site is reserved for the private use of each User and for information purposes only.

The Site and the data, information and documents it contains are for general, non-exhaustive information purposes only and may under no circumstances be considered as constituting legal advice, solicitation and/or an offer of services to Users.

Each User is solely responsible for his or her use of the Site and/or the information he or she collects on the Site, and d’Alverny Avocats shall in no event be liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from the User’s use of the Site and/or such information.

Each User is informed of the technical hazards inherent in telecommunication networks and the Internet, and of access interruptions which may result therefrom or be caused by its own service providers or third-party service providers. D’Alverny Avocats cannot guarantee that access to the Site will be uninterrupted or free of viruses.

D’Alverny Avocats shall also not be liable for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information published on the Site.

Legal fees

D’Alverny Avocats charges its fees on a hourly basis. A fee agreement is drawn up between d’Alverny Avocats and its clients as soon as a service is entrusted to d’Alverny Avocats’ lawyers.

Where the services of d’Alverny Avocats are provided for the benefit of consumer clients, the latter may, in the event of a dispute, have recourse free of charge to the Consumer Mediator at the Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB), whose contact details are as follows: CNB, Médiateur à la consommation, 180, boulevard Haussmann – 75008 Paris. For more information, each User can log on to

(Last update on 16 January 2024)