
Cassandre Piffeteau



Commercial and business litigation
Consumer / distribution / restrictive competition practices
Formalization and negotiation of commercial contracts
Technological and digital innovations (saas, platforms, applications, licenses, etc.)
Intellectual property
Personal data protection


• Master II European and International Business Law – Paris Dauphine University
• Master I International Business Law – Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University
• Member of the Paris Bar
• Mediator with IEAM

Bilingual English | French

Cassandre specializes in business law.

She can help you resolve your disputes, whether in or out of court.

As a consultant, she can help you in drafting varied business agreements.

As a dual citizen of France and the United States, she has a particular affinity for cross-border business.

During her ten years’ experience, Cassandre has also developed expertise in personal data protection (GDPR), and is regularly involved in new and innovative technologies (platform, SAAS application/contracts, licensing, etc.).

She is a mediator and member of the Institut d’Expertise, d’Arbitrage et de Médiation (IEAM).